Friday, March 30, 2012

The Nail Files 3/30/2012

I have been all over the place with my nails this week. I can't make up my mind. So, for this week's link-up with Tara & Vicki, I have several colors to show. :)

Black Creme from Wet n Wild
It's Bouquet With Me from Sephora by OPI

I really liked this look. But I chipped a nail and had to redo them. I love dark polish but it's so hard to remove it. Does anyone have a favorite polish remover??

A Lovely Secret by Essence

I was not a huge fan of this color. It was a lot prettier in the bottle. Once it was on my nails it had a gritty appearance. Also, the picture shows more periwinkle than lavendar (which it was in the bottle.) Not shimmery like I had hoped. I wore this all of maybe 6 hours.

Russian Navy by OPI

Yup, a favorite! I love it. This is on my nails right now. 

Last weekend's brunch was rescheduled for this Sunday. I'm really hoping to find several of the polishes on my wish list. As I mentioned last week... Essie's Turquoise & Caicos and now I really want a soft coral/peach color. Maybe Essie's Tart Deco or Sephora by OPI's How Cute is That?
google images

google images
I'm leaning towards the Sephora shade, not only because I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sephora, but I got an email today with a 15% discount coupon, woohoo! While I'm there I'll work on a birthday wish list for my Sweetie. It's in 2 weeks!

I'll share my purchases next week :)
Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So... disappointed

I just realized it's Wednesday, not Thursday. It's been one of those weeks...
I knew it would be bad on Monday night when I was wishing it was Friday. 
Dealing with PMS while your 23 month old is cutting his last incisor and your 7 month old is cutting his first tooth... (did I mention the 7 and 10 year old kids have taken bickering to another level) 
doesn't make for a happy week. 

I'm tired. 

I need to be preparing 4 Easter baskets. I need to be planning Oliver's 2nd birthday celebration. (I have ideas, nothing purchased.) It's next month. I need to exercise. I need to make the coffee cake I have been promising my hubby. I need to dust the living room. I need to mop the kitchen floor. I need to take a nap. lol
I suppose I should log off here and go do something on my to do list. I think I'll start with the nap :)

Hope you're having a great week!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Nail Files - 3/23/2012

Linking up today with Tara & Vicki to show what's on my nails :)

I am wearing China Glaze's "For Audrey". I love this color so much!! Definitely one of my faves! 

The weather has been amazing! Sunny and warm without being too hot. I hope it continues this weekend. I'm excited, tonight is family movie night! We are doing burgers & homemade french fries and then watching the new Muppet movie. We saw it in the theater, so cute! Then on Sunday, brunch with Kate, which means a trip to Sephora & Trade Secrets.... new nail polish!!! I'm on the hunt for a perfect shimmery coral! I'm hoping Trade Secrets has restocked their Essie cuz the supply has been awful for the last month or so! I'm also looking to get my hands on Essie's Turquoise & Caicos
What's on your nails today? What's on your wish list?!
Have an awesome weekend!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

after a long weekend home

We spent the weekend in Columbus. The days just flew by!! The weather was amazing!
We had brunch, some shopping, went out to dinner, went to the park....
a few pictures  :)

Ollie got his hair cut. Cutie!!

Mommy's little good luck charm!

Cutie Pie!

Having a few drinks on a patio :)

grabbing some late-nite diner food

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Nail Files 3/09/2012

It's Friday!! Thank goodness! Time to share my nails of the week. Linking up with Tara and Vicki for Friday's Nail Files

This is "glamorous life" by essence. I'm loving it! It reminds me of OPI's The One That Got Away but more pink. I had a lot of trouble capturing how pretty the color is. After a gazillion pictures, this was the closest. My local Shoppers just started carrying essence. I grabbed 3 bottles! At $1.49, how could I not?! I also picked up "a lovely secret" the lavender and "walk of fame" the brown. I don't know much about this line. But the color has been on for 3 days and I'm not bored with it and it hasn't chipped. Awesome!!

Earlier in the week I was playing with my nails. I wanted to try the leopard pattern and the half moon. Both done free hand were ok. I was trying to use St. Patrick's day colors (green & gold) but maybe the green was too dark. I don't know. I liked the leopard but not the color combo  or maybe not the moon thing, just green or gold nails.
gold- Sephora by OPI  "Already Famous"
green- China Glaze  "Glittering Garland"
nude- butter London "Yummy Mummy"

Not much has been going on this week other than lots of sickies! Hopefully we'll all be well soon. Tomorrow Josh and Chloe leave for the states for spring break. We are driving into Michigan for the exchange. The bright spot in this little road trip?? Hubby is taking me to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I have no idea what I'll order for a meal, but I know I'll be having this for dessert...
Tuxedo!!! Can NOT wait! Oliver is going to love this!

What's on your nails? What are you doing this weekend? I hope everyone is healthy and has a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My heart aches

Yesterday and today have been rough, to say the least. I have been taking care of my little Oliver. I wrote last week about my baby recovering from strep throat and an ear infection and then a cold... Sunday it began again. Yesterday, he spiked a fever of 103.2. Our family doctor instructed we take him to the Pediatric ER. We are now battling an upper respiratory infection. He is so clingy and irritable. Poor baby. This morning we started the day with a 103.4. Clearly we are not yet on the road to recovery.

My poor hubby has been battling pink eye and something strep-like, perhaps tonsillitis. With all this sickness going on I've been pretty busy. Very little TV and I'm very behind on headline news. Living in Canada I don't hear much about what's going on in the States. I have to search it out. Last night I got online and read about the tornadoes in Indiana. In Canada, "tornadoes strike Midwest" ummm. that barely touches on the subject. I learned about Henryville, Indiana. This small city was hit Friday afternoon by an  EF4 tornado. My oldest and very dear friend grew up in this town. His family is there, and he lives maybe 15-20 minutes from it in an area that was hit as well. Seeing pictures of the destroyed high school didn't just pull at my heart strings, it ripped at them! I had a small panic attack last night. I sat in this gym and watched my friend graduate.
Henryville High School
I immediately emailed and texted him- due to the late hour I did not call. He got back to me very early this morning. He and his family are ok. They have experienced a great deal of damage and his brother lost his home, but they are all safe. 

Talk of tornadoes is just something you hear about, but until it hits someone you love you don't realize how incredible and violent and terrifying they are! I'm not going to share all the pictures I've seen online that break my heart. All you need to do is google Henryville, Indiana images, it'll take your breath away.

I have made a monetary donation through the Salvation Army. Maybe you could consider it as well. I chose to go straight to the website instead of texting a donation because I read that the charity has to pay money to process those donations and sometimes takes 30-90 days to receive the money and they need it now.

Really feeling blessed today...

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Nail Files: 3/02/2012

Linking up (again!) with Tara and Vicki to share this week's manicures!

The first half of the week (Sun-Tues) I was wearing Already Famous from Sephora by OPI
This gold color is awesome. It has a nice subtle shimmer and really sparkles in the sunlight. And... it comes off much easier than most glitter polishes. It's a great way to wear gold everyday!

Here's what's on my nails right now
This is Sally Hanson's Blue It! This shade of blue is so awesome. The first picture doesn't show the shimmer as well as the second picture. It's also very durable, I'm on day 4 and no signs of wear yet!
The Union Jack accent nail is done with Rimmel French White Tip Pro and China Glaze's Phat Santa.
It's kinda messy. I never realized how shakey my hands were until I tried to do this.

I apologize for the pictures. Blogger is uploading everything sideways and I can't straighten it out. So I give up.

I can't wait to see what's on your nails! :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

huge sigh of relief

As you may or may not have been able to see, I live in Canada. We are originally from Columbus, Ohio but now call London, Ontario home. The last three years have flown by and AJ's work permit was in process of being renewed. Apparently the Canadian government was running behind on paperwork so what was a 6-8 week process took 12 weeks and we were freaking out. As in we needed to leave the country prior to March 1, 2012. It came in YESTERDAY. Thank goodness for leap year! I am being a little dramatic. We were on what is called "implied status" because the renewal was in process, however, we could not leave Canada if the new paperwork had not come through. So, the stressful part... spring break starts next weekend (the 10th), my two older children go to their father's back in Ohio (legal visitation stuff...). So, my concern... when I had to go pick them up on the 18th, we would not be able to get home. Did I mention, our medical insurance expired too? No? So, yea...

So yesterday we drove to the border, had to cross to the US and re-enter Canada to access a building we could easily access in Canada, but we needed a cute little piece of yellow paper. On this piece of paper "work permit expires tomorrow". Um, I could have told them that. Oh, yea, we did. But they still made us leave and come back. Oh well. We paid our tolls to and from and finally got the privilege to sit in the customs building for two hours while our documents were renewed.

Thank goodness for electronics! Oliver is playing with daddy's ipod touch, Josh & Chloe are playing with their DS's. Oliver lost interest soon after this picture was taken. We walked in circles and I carried him a lot.

This morning we got to go renew everyone's medical cards. That was long and complicated and Oliver was all over the place. But it's done. All the paperwork is renewed and I can sigh a huge sigh of relief...

Hope you're all doing well and I'll see you tomorrow for the Nail Files, have you painted your nails yet? ;)